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Privacy Policy

Optimus Residence (operator: Quality Group Kft., registered office: 1037 Budapest Kisbojtár u. 31., tax number: 14442858-2-41, hereinafter "Accommodation") is committed to protecting the personal data of its customers, and therefore pays special attention to the CXII of 2011 on the right to self-determination of information and freedom of information during the collection, management, use, processing and possible transmission of personal data. Act XLVIII of 2008 on the basic conditions and certain limitations of economic advertising activity. Act, CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commercial services and services related to the information society. Act, CXIX of 1995 on the management of name and address data for the purpose of research and direct business acquisition. Act, and Regulation 2016/679/EU on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free flow of such data, applicable from May 25, 2018, i.e. the provisions of the GDPR and other relevant legislation, national and international recommendations keep it in mind.

This data management information sheet is an inseparable part of the contract ("Contract") between the Accommodation and you.

By signing the Agreement with the Accommodation/using the website, you acknowledge that you have read the contents of this data management information sheet and consent to the Accommodation handling and keeping records of the data you provide in accordance with the applicable laws; at the same time, they consent to the Hotel recording their contact information in its database in order to inform you about the data related to its services, their changes, other changes that affect you, and the translation office's news.



Data subject: Any natural person identified or - directly or indirectly - identified on the basis of personal data;

Personal Data: Data that can be associated with the data subject - especially the data subject's name, identification mark, and one or more physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social characteristics of the data subject - as well as the conclusion about the data subject that can be drawn from the data;

Special Data: Personal data relating to racial origin, belonging to a nationality, political opinion or party affiliation, religious or other worldview beliefs, interest-representative organization membership, sexual life, personal data relating to health status, pathological passion, and criminal personal data;

Criminal Personal Data: Personal data that can be associated with the person concerned, and related to the criminal record, generated during or before the criminal proceedings, in connection with the crime or the criminal proceedings, at the bodies authorized to conduct the criminal proceedings or to detect crimes, as well as at the prison administration organization;

Consent: The voluntary and firm declaration of the data subject's will, which is based on adequate information, and with which he gives his unequivocal consent to the processing of his personal data - in full or covering certain operations;

Objection: The statement of the data subject objecting to the processing of their personal data and requesting the termination of data processing or the deletion of the processed data;

Data controller: The natural or legal person or organization without legal personality who, independently or together with others, determines the purpose of data management, makes and implements decisions regarding data management (including the device used), or implements them with the data processor;

Data management: Regardless of the procedure used, any operation performed on the data or the set of operations, including, in particular, collection, recording, recording, organization, storage, change, use, query, transmission, disclosure, coordination or connection, locking, deletion and destruction, and preventing further use of the data, taking photographs, audio or video recordings, and recording physical characteristics suitable for identifying the person (e.g. fingerprint or palm print, DNA sample, iris image);

Data transmission: Making the data available to a specific third party;

Disclosure: Making the data available to anyone;

Data deletion: Making the data unrecognizable in such a way that its recovery is no longer possible;

Data marking: Providing the data with an identification mark for the purpose of distinguishing it;

Data blocking: Providing the data with an identification mark for the purpose of limiting its further processing permanently or for a specified period of time;

Data destruction: Complete physical destruction of the data carrier containing the data;

Data processing: Performing technical tasks related to data management operations, regardless of the method and tool used to perform the operations, as well as the place of application, provided that the technical task is performed on the data;

Data processor: The natural or legal person or organization without legal personality who processes data on the basis of a contract, including a contract concluded under the provisions of the law;

Data file: The totality of the data managed in one register;

Third Person: A natural or legal person, or an organization without legal personality, who is not the same as the person concerned, the data manager or the data processor;

EEA State: On the basis of an international treaty concluded between a member state of the European Union and another state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, as well as the state whose citizen is the European Union and its member states, as well as a state that is not a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, the European Economic Area He enjoys the same legal status as a citizen of a state party to the Territorial Agreement;

Third Country: Any state that is not an EEA state;

Data Protection Incident: Unlawful handling or processing of personal data, including in particular unauthorized access, alteration, transmission, disclosure, deletion or destruction, as well as accidental destruction and damage.



Data controller: Optimus Residence (operator: Quality Group Kft., registered office: 1037 Budapest Kisbojtár u. 31., tax number: 14442858-2-41)


Contact person: István Moldvay

Contact: +36 70 658 3772




3.1. General definition

The personal data managed by the Accommodation is the data that comes into the possession of the Accommodation during the use and performance of the Accommodation's services, or may come into the possession of the Accommodation through the personal data provided by those who order the Accommodation's services, those who potentially order it, those who request offers, the users of the Accommodation's online interface, and also by you all personal data transmitted to the Accommodation.

These personal data may include, in particular, but not exclusively, the following:

Personal data

- name;

– place and time of birth;

- mother's birth name;

– identity card number, residential address card number, residential address;

– personal identification number;

– TAJ number, tax identification number, bank account number;

– (work) email address, phone number.


Special personal data

– data on racial origin and belonging to a nationality;

– data on health status (body weight, blood count, screening test results);

– data on pathological passion;

– criminal personal data.


3.2. Data management in connection with a contractual relationship and the submission of an offer

In order to carry out its activities and provide services to its customers, the Hotel prepares offers and concludes contracts, as well as conducts procurement, archiving and document management activities necessary for its operation. In this context, the data listed below is managed and stored until the indicated date, for the following purposes:

– contact (inquiry for sales purposes);

– entering into a contract;

– performance of contracts;

– account and receivables management;

– enforcement of contractual legal claims (e.g. complaints, warranty claims);

– document management and archiving after contract termination (performance or termination).


a) Personal data in the case of a natural person ordering: For the above purposes, the Hotel handles the name, address, telephone number, email address, customer number (order number), and online ID of the natural person who has contracted with it as a customer. Data processing begins legally before the conclusion of the contract, based on the inquiry of our customers, at the time of the request for an offer.


b) In the case of a legal entity customer, the data of natural person representatives: Scope of personal data handled: name, address, telephone number, email address of the natural person.

3.3. Data processed for each customer

We keep all personal data until the contract is fulfilled and the warranty period expires. This data management is necessary for the fulfillment of the contract in order to fulfill the legal obligations of the Hotel as a data controller.

3.4. Registration on the website of the Accommodation

We only ask the visitors of our website for their personal data if they want to register, log in to request a quote, make a reservation or ask for an offer on the online interface provided for this purpose.

3.5. Other contractual partners

We request and process the data of our other contractual partners, as well as during procurements, within the scope defined by the legislation indicated in the introduction, for the period specified therein.



The Accommodation manages the data of customers, potential customers and requesters. These regulations also apply to our contractual partners, as well as visitors to our website, our contractual partners and our fulfillment assistants and collaborators.

We only handle the personal data of those persons who have consented to the data management or to the transfer of their personal data to third parties, or if it is ordered by law or - based on the authority of the law, within the scope defined therein - a local government decree for a purpose based on the public interest.

Consent is also considered if you check the relevant box when viewing the website of the Accommodation, if personal data is sent to the Postal, email address or other contact details of the Accommodation, if technical settings are made in this regard when using services related to the information society, as well as any other also a statement or action which, in the given context, clearly indicates the data subject's consent to the planned processing of his personal data.

In addition, personal data according to Article 6 of the GDPR and Infotv. Based on § 6, we only process data if obtaining the data subject's consent would be impossible or disproportionately expensive, and the data processing is necessary due to the fulfillment of one of our obligations or our own interest or the legitimate interest of a third party, and the enforcement of this interest by restricting the right to the protection of personal data is in proportion. We process personal data from you and our other partners if the data subject has consented to the transmission of his personal data to a third party or to the Accommodation. The Hotel is not entitled to pass on the processed data either for advertising use or for other purposes - in the absence of your express consent.

Fulfillment of the Hotel's legal obligations in accordance with legislation (in § 169 and § 202 of Act CXXVII of 2017 on general sales tax; in Act CXVII of 1995 on personal income tax; on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and Act LIII of 2017 on the prevention of

Based on the fulfillment of its legal obligations, the Hotel manages the LXVI of 1995 on public records, public archives and the protection of private archive material. documents considered to be of permanent value according to the law and not accepted by the customers until they are handed over to the public archive.

By handing over your personal data to the Accommodation, your consent to data management is deemed to have been given.

By handing over your personal data to Szálláshely, you guarantee that you have the right to data management, especially data transmission.

The Accommodation excludes its responsibility for all claims asserted in connection with the violation of the above guarantee, at the same time, you are obliged to compensate the Accommodation for all damages incurred in connection with the untruth or wrongness of the above guarantee.



The purpose of data management with regard to personal data held by the Accommodation:

- sign a contract;

- performance of services used by the Accommodation;

– providing discounts;

– providing information about the data related to the services and their changes;

– maintaining the relationship between the Hotel and the customer;

– providing information with newsletters;

– provision of personalized offers and services;

- providing information on news and interesting things related to the Accommodation;

- continuation of marketing activities;

– building and maintaining a database for marketing purposes;

- continuation of direct marketing activities.



Data processing is carried out only to the extent and for the time necessary for the realization of the purpose and only with the personal data that is absolutely necessary for the realization of the purpose of data processing and is otherwise suitable for achieving the purpose, so in particular, as long as your rights and obligations exist.

Duration of data management in the case of a contract

a) the statute of limitations for claims arising from the contractual relationship between you and the Accommodation, or

b) the longest period of limitation for claims related to legal obligations imposed on the Accommodation based on the Contract.

The duration of data management in the event that you order the services of the Accommodation and provide your e-mail address, but a Contract is not ultimately concluded, is the period until a contractual relationship can be established between the Accommodation and you. If it is clear that a contractual relationship cannot take place in the future (e.g. the company whose contact person provided your personal data ceases to exist), or you request the deletion of personal data, the personal data will be deleted immediately.


For its data management activities, the Hotel uses the cooperation and services of data processors (especially, but not exclusively, accountants, IT service providers). Data processing takes place on the basis of a data processing contract between the Accommodation and the data controller, which ensures the confidentiality obligation of the data processor, and thus the security of data management.



The personal data provided by you can be seen and handled by the Hotel's employees, senior officials, consultants, employees involved in data processing or other employees, as well as partners to whom you have consented to the transfer of data.

Courts and certain authorities are entitled to access the personal data managed by the Hotel based on legal requirements. The court, the prosecutor's office and other authorities (e.g. police, tax authorities, National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority) may contact the Accommodation in order to provide information, provide data or make documents available. In these cases, we must fulfill our obligation to provide data, to the extent absolutely necessary to achieve the purpose of the request.



We are aware that your data is valuable and we do everything we can to protect it during our data management.

In specific cases, the personal data provided to us will be shared with third parties cooperating with us or acting on our behalf, if this is necessary to achieve the purpose for which the data subject or you provided the data. The Hotel may also transfer personal data to other third parties if this serves to serve you more efficiently, or if the said third parties manage the relevant data on behalf of the Hotel.

However, we have ensured that these third parties protect the information and data properly.

The Hotel may transfer personal data to third-party data processors that provide an appropriate level of technical and organizational guarantees. In accordance with generally accepted data protection practices, the Hotel may use external service providers to carry out regular server maintenance, data storage or other IT tasks.

We only share information with other third parties if

- we have the consent of the data subject;

– it is required by law for us; obsession

- it is necessary for the purposes of, in connection with legal proceedings or for the exercise or protection of rights granted by law.

By handing over your personal data, you give your express consent to the data being forwarded in this way and guarantee that you are entitled to hand over the personal data to the Accommodation for this purpose.

As soon as the conditions for the lawful handling or transfer of the data cease, the Hotel will immediately take measures to delete the personal data from the database and will notify you of the fact of the deletion.



In the course of data management, the Hotel handles data stored in the electronic information system and stored on traditional paper-based data carriers with the utmost care and strict confidentiality and strives to protect them with all legal means, especially against unauthorized access, alteration, transmission, disclosure, and other misuse. , deletion or destruction, as well as against accidental destruction and damage with technical and organizational measures.

Our data managers and partners, like the Hotel, ensure the protection of data and use them strictly only for their intended purpose. The managed data is accessible to those authorized to do so, the authenticity and authentication of the data is ensured, the data is unchanged, and the data is protected against unauthorized access.

The Hotel takes care of data security with technical, organizational and organizational measures that provide a level of protection appropriate to the risks associated with data management. To the greatest extent possible, we ensure the protection of personal data managed by the Accommodation through appropriate confidentiality commitments and technical and security measures. Personal data can only be accessed by authorized data controllers who have the appropriate authorization and undertake confidentiality obligations.

However, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data transmission through our website is not exclusively within the scope of our Accommodation, so we cannot assume full responsibility for this. We adhere to strict regulations regarding the data received in order to ensure the security of your data and to prevent illegal access.


By ordering the service of the Accommodation and providing your e-mail address, you consent to the fact that the Accommodation will send information and notifications about the Accommodation to the provided e-mail address in the form of a newsletter. The subscription is voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time using the link in the newsletter or by replying by e-mail.

The Hotel creates a database from the contact details of the persons who provide their company contact details (company name, name, position, company email address), which is sent to the organizations included in the database (to the company email address of the contacts) indicated by them, as well as the position of the Hotel regularly sends newsletters on topics of possible interest. The contact information provided during registration is stored in the Hotel's own customer relationship management system - on servers located in Hungary, within the European Union - and is treated confidentially, not passed on to unauthorized persons or made available.

The newsletters are not addressed to the contact persons as individuals, but to the organizations connected to them, i.e. to you, and the data provided, stored and managed in connection with the above data management are not stored by the Hotel as the personal data of the contact individual, but as data for contact with you. and manages, so in this case no personal data will be processed.

The Hotel reserves the right to exclude anyone from the newsletter at any time.

The data will be managed by the Accommodation until they are not requested to be deleted by the data subject.



The Hotel maintains a social page for the purpose of introducing and promoting its services. The communication on the Social page of the Accommodation is not considered as a fact giving rise to rights or obligations, it does not serve to conclude a contract or request an offer.

The Hotel does not manage the personal data published by visitors on the Social page of the Hotel. Visitors are governed by the Privacy and Terms of Service of the social site.


In the event of illegal or offensive content being published, the Hotel may exclude the person concerned from membership or delete their comments without prior notice. The Hotel is not responsible for data content and comments published by users of the social site that violate the law. The Company is not responsible for any errors, malfunctions or problems arising from changes to the operation of the social site.



The Accommodation uses cookies for the optimal functioning of the website and the online request for offers, which means that its servers can place a cookie (a unique identification file) on the computer of the website users. The user will not receive a separate notification when this happens. Cookies are used exclusively to facilitate the technical identification of the user and website visitor and to operate personalized services, the Hotel does not use them for any other purpose. Blocking cookies by the user - the exact method of which is explained in the instructions of the user's browser - does not prevent the use of the services of the Hotel, however, blocking cookies on the website may affect certain functions.



14.1. Request for information

The data subjects may request information about the personal data provided by you and managed by the Hotel, their source, the purpose, legal basis, duration of the data processing, the name and address of the data processor and its activities related to data processing, and - in the case of transmission of their personal data - the legal basis and recipient of the data transmission .

In order to ensure the security of the data of the persons concerned, the request for information will only be fulfilled by the Hotel in person. To this end, if the request for information is sent in writing by post, it is possible to send it to the Accommodation in the form of a private document with full evidentiary value, by e-mail or by fax, providing the appropriate identification data. The Accommodation will provide the information in writing, in an understandable manner, to the address provided by the data subject as soon as possible, but no later than within 30 days.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that information on one data area is free of charge each year, and the Hotel may charge a reasonable fee for additional information.

14.2. Rectification

If the data subject informs the Accommodation - by providing the clarified personal data at the same time - that the processed personal data does not correspond to reality, or if the Accommodation becomes aware of the error in the personal data and the correct data in another way, then the Personal Data will be corrected by the Accommodation . The Accommodation will notify the data subject of the correction or of the rejection of their request for correction.

14.3. Delete or lock

The data subjects have the right to request the deletion or blocking of their personal data. Personal data will be blocked if, based on the available information, it can be assumed that the deletion would harm the legitimate interests of the person concerned. Personal data locked in this way will be processed only as long as the data management purpose that precluded the deletion of the personal data exists. We will notify you of the deletion or blocking, or inform the affected persons of the rejection of your request for deletion or blocking.

14.4. Designation

The Hotel shall mark the personal data it manages if the data subject disputes its correctness or accuracy, but the incorrectness or inaccuracy of the disputed personal data cannot be clearly established.

14.5. Protest

Subjects - except in the case of mandatory data management - have the right to object to the processing of their personal data,

– if the processing or transmission of their personal data is necessary solely to fulfill a legal obligation relating to the Accommodation or to enforce the legitimate interests of the Accommodation or a third party; obsession

- if their personal data is used or forwarded for the purpose of direct business acquisition, public opinion research or scientific research, if they have not consented to it; obsession

- in other cases defined by law.

The Accommodation examines the objection as soon as possible, but no later than 15 days after the submission of the application, makes a decision on its merits, and informs the applicant of its decision in writing.

If the protest is well-founded, the Hotel will terminate the data management, including further data collection and transmission, lock the data, and notify all those to whom the personal data affected by the protest was previously transmitted, and who are obliged to take measures to enforce the right to protest.

14.6. Data portability

The data subjects have the right to receive the personal data they have provided to us in a segmented, widely used, machine-readable format, and they are also entitled to transfer this data to another data controller without us hindering this, if the data processing is it is based on the consent of those concerned and we handle their personal data automatically.

14.7. Refusal to cooperate in connection with direct marketing

The so-called direct acquisition of business The persons concerned have the right to refuse their cooperation with direct marketing letters at any time without reason. In this context, they have the right to refuse or prohibit the inclusion of their name data in the contact or business acquisition list, the direct use of business acquisition - or the specific purpose defined within it - or the transfer to a third party.



You are entitled and obliged to report any changes to the data under your control and managed by the Accommodation within 15 days. You bear all responsibility for the consequences of failure to do so.



If the legal basis for data management is your consent, you can withdraw your consent to data management at any time, which does not affect the legal basis for data management before the withdrawal of consent. If the legal basis for data management is solely your consent, we will not process your personal data after withdrawing your consent, they will be deleted from all our records.



With complaints related to the protection of personal data and questions related to data management, those concerned can contact the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority (1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c., postal address: 1530 Budapest, Pf.: 5), and also go to court for legal redress.



In exceptional cases, the rights according to the above can be limited based on a legal provision, so in particular in order to protect the rights of the data subject or others.

The Hotel provides data contrary to your data management declaration only and exclusively at the request of bodies authorized by law, in cases defined by law.



In order to prevent and manage data protection incidents and comply with the relevant legal regulations, the Hotel logs accesses and access attempts on IT systems, and continuously analyzes and checks them.

A data protection incident can be reported to the Hotel's email address and phone number specified in point 2 above, where contractual partners and affected parties can report the underlying incidents and security weaknesses. If a data protection incident is reported, the Hotel will immediately investigate the report, during which the incident must be identified and it must be decided whether it is a real incident or a false alarm.

In the event of a data protection incident, the affected systems, persons, and data will be demarcated and separated by the Hotel, and the evidence supporting the occurrence of the incident will be collected and preserved. After that, the Hotel will begin to repair the damage and restore legal operation.

The Hotel keeps a record of data protection incidents, which includes:

the range of personal data concerned;

the scope and number of those affected by the data protection incident;

the date of the data protection incident;

the circumstances and effects of the data protection incident;

the measures taken to remedy the data protection incident;

other data specified in the law that prescribes data management.

Data relating to data protection incidents in the register must be kept for 5 years.



The Hotel reserves the right to unilaterally amend this privacy policy at any time. We will clearly inform you of the change in the information in writing at one of the contact details you provided, and if necessary, we will take care of obtaining your consent.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at any of the contact details provided in this information.

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